The steps to be followed in the evaluation of the complaint submitted to our company by any person or institution;
Customer complaints are directed to the relevant units for resolution after the application is received with the Customer Complaint Form, which is filled in at Notification of receipt of each complaint is made to the applicant by the method he prefers (face-to-face, telephone, e-mail, etc.). In addition, progress reports and results are also presented to the complainant.
The results to be reported to the complainant should be prepared, reviewed and approved by the person(s) not involved in the activities subject to the complaint.
According to the research and evaluation made after the complaint is examined, corrective action steps are established to correct the problem and prevent it from happening in the future. If the complaint cannot be resolved immediately, the issue is handled in a way that aims to reach an effective solution as soon as possible. If the complaints cannot be resolved within 1 (one) business day, the customer is informed about the estimated resolution process of the complaint. When the complaint is closed, information is given about the closing of the complaint.
If the complainant accepts the proposed decision or action, they are implemented and recorded. If the complainant refuses, the complaint is kept open, this situation is recorded and the complainant is informed about alternative solutions from internal and external sources. The progress of the complaint is monitored until all reasonable internal and external remedies are exhausted or the customer is satisfied.
In principle, during the validation, examination and conclusion of the complaints, the rules of Impartiality and Confidentiality are acted upon (The results to be notified to the complainant are prepared, reviewed and approved by the person(s) who are not involved in the laboratory activities subject to the complaint).
Customer satisfaction is measured in our company according to customer surveys.
Questionnaires will be delivered to the first users after each product/service is delivered to the customer by the Quality Systems Directorate. Customers will be informed about the purpose of the survey and the method to be applied. The implementation of the surveys will be done on a project basis and the status of the surveys will be reported.
If the customer reports a problem that requires urgent solution during the survey, this problem will be dealt with immediately and examined within the scope of the complaint process and resolved in a way that ensures customer satisfaction. If the reported subject is a request or suggestion, it will be evaluated as a result of the survey.