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Uncovering the Data Leakage

Some attacks that occur in the cyber world can not be prevented. As a result of such attacks, attackers obtain valuable data (such as e-mail passwords, phone numbers, and credit card PIN codes) and often put them on sale on forums or instant messaging platforms.


  • With the LeakScope, it is possible to detect and monitor hacker forums by detecting which stolen data of individuals or organizations are published. The findings are then shared in reports.
  • Analysts at InterProbe meticulously examine the accuracy and details of these reports and provide precise data to users.
  • LeakScope detects where the stolen data is being used, quickly identifies the types of data sold by attackers, and thus ensures that you take appropriate and quick action.
  • LeakScope offers its users different user interfaces for forums and instant alerts.
  • In LeakScope's user interface, you can define keywords that are relevant for an individual and organization in question and create alerts for the keywords that you defined.

With the LeakScope, it is possible to detect and monitor hacker forums by detecting which stolen data of individuals or organizations are published. The findings are then shared in reports.

Analysts at InterProbe meticulously examine the accuracy and details of these reports and provide precise data to users.

LeakScope detects where the stolen data is being used, quickly identifies the types of data sold by attackers, and thus ensures that you take appropriate and quick action.

LeakScope offers its users different user interfaces for forums and instant alerts.

In LeakScope's user interface, you can define keywords that are relevant for an individual and organization in question and create alerts for the keywords that you defined.

Opportunities offered by InterProbe LeakScope

  • In addition to avoiding economic losses, LeakScope also helps you to prevent loss of reputation, which is vital for your organization. LeakScope is an ideal product that can be used by any person, institution or organization keeping sensitive data in databases, including especially those operating in the finance and telecommunication industries as well as the government agencies.